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    Am called Polline Odero at kstvet pursuing Diploma in education in the course of social work and community development.feel most fabulous and enjoy the online learning lesson.all trainees are welcome feel happy .


    Moodle is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS) that provides educators with the tools and features to create and manage online courses. It allows educators to organize course materials, create quizzes and assignments, host discussion forums, and track student progress. 

    Links of interest:

    you can contact me through .poulinealuoch@gmail.com


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Available courses

This unit cover the competencies required to conduct psychosocial support. It involves conducting psychosocial support intake session, carrying out psychosocial support problem exploration, analyzing psychosocial support problem, carrying out referral and carry out documentation of counselling coded records.

This unit describes the competencies required to facilitate the training of managing community-based groups. It involves identifying target group, mobilizing target group, planning group meeting, organizing group leadership, developing group objectives, planning group activities, carrying out capacity assessment and carrying out group activities. It also entails monitoring, evaluating and documenting group activities.   

This unit covers the competencies required to formulate social policy and Public Administration. It involves identifying social policy problems, carrying out community mobilization, carrying out social policy sensitization and documenting social policy issues

This unit describes the competencies required to carry out advocacy and lobbying activities. It involves identifying community socio economic issues, identifying target groups, carrying out problem analysis, supporting implementation of lobbying activities in partnership with stakeholders, documenting the advocacy and lobbying activities.